Monday, January 17, 2011


If I don't get away from in laws (Richard's grandparents) within the next couple of months I'm going to FLIP A BITCH (excuse my language)!!! I'm tired of dealing with the same bs every single day & cleaning up after EVERYONE. Hello, I have a husband & 2 kids to clean up after...I don't need to be cleaning up after your grown ass too. You're more than capable to throw a damn napkin away that's literally 4 feet away from the trash can. & then for YOU to say that Richard deserves better & I do nothing?! Who the hell are they to say this?! I'm tired of feeling so unwanted & unwelcomed around here. I cannot wait to get to Colorado & away from this petty stuff. To my face they will act like they're happy to see me but I know once I walk out that door there will be stuff to be said about me. I've overheard it & I've also had people tell me about it. This is the worst! I hate dealing with all this fakeness. If I don't like you then I'll let you know. I will NOT let you think I do. Anyway, all I have to say to his 'family' is whether you like it or not he's with me for the rest of his life. When we said our vows of "till death do us part" it's exactly what was meant. AND! I don't care if you don't like the fact that we want more kids so soon. Just because you regret having your children so close together doesn't mean we will!

aaand my rant is now done. Sorry, I just had to get this off of my chest.


  1. Omg Amber! I had NO clue this kind of bs was going on. I am so, so sorry you have to go through this! :( You are such a sweet person & you def deserve better treatment! Gosh, people can be so rude! Hang in there hun, you will be free sooner or later!! <3

  2. well I kind of had an idea it was going on but definitely not to this extent. his grandparents have NEVER liked any women that enter the guys' life (ex. Richard's dad, Richard, Travis, etc.) so I'm not too surprised. but the thing that REALLY gets to me is the hypocrisy.
    But thank you! I'm counting down the days till we get to Colorado into our new house :)

  3. ugh yeah i deffiently feel your pain. i got similar BS from mitchells family.
    to know how this feels also, i cant wait for ya'll to get out of there also!! theres no reason for you to have to put up with this crap.
