Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm one lucky gal!

I don't know what it is about today but I woke up in a SUPER good mood. It may be just because I'm delusional since I haven't been getting much sleep but we'll just go with I'm in a good mood ;) I woke up to Richard wanting to cuddle up before he got up for work which just completely set my mood for the rest of the day. I even got a little back massage! While laying there with him I got to thinking about how much he does for us. I don't think I could feel any more blessed than I already do. Even though we've had more than our fair share of ups & downs, he still is so amazing in my eyes. He is my soulmate.

I also woke up thinking about Disneyland & I'm already planning out ways to organize all of the stuff we need to bring into the park! We'll also be going with Richard's dad, his youngest brother & sisters, uncle & his significant other. We're going to be staying right down the street from the park so I guess if we need something that's back at the hotel it won't be a big deal. This weekend I'm going to be going to the craft store so I can look for stuff to make for Emma's outfit that she'll be wearing in the park. I'm still not sure what I'm doing to be doing for it though :/

I also got to thinking about how beautiful & perfect my kids are. Last night we took them to their aunt's basketball game & Emma was so content just cuddled up with me while Ricky loved cheering on his aunt & playing with the other little kids. While Emma was laying on me I got to really observe her features & the different facial expressions she does. Let me just it was unreal. She is SUCH a beautiful little girl. In the middle of my daze, Ricky caught my attention with his laugh which melted my heart since I was reminded that he was loving life. I then listened to his voice & the different pitches it made when he got overly excited. I couldn't help but smile :) I could've cried right there in the middle school gym but I got interrupted with the buzzer. I know I have always been destined to be a mother. When my mom would ask what I wanted to be when I grow up, I would reply with, "I wanna be a mommy!" I'm blessed to be able to live out my dream.

Monday, January 17, 2011


If I don't get away from in laws (Richard's grandparents) within the next couple of months I'm going to FLIP A BITCH (excuse my language)!!! I'm tired of dealing with the same bs every single day & cleaning up after EVERYONE. Hello, I have a husband & 2 kids to clean up after...I don't need to be cleaning up after your grown ass too. You're more than capable to throw a damn napkin away that's literally 4 feet away from the trash can. & then for YOU to say that Richard deserves better & I do nothing?! Who the hell are they to say this?! I'm tired of feeling so unwanted & unwelcomed around here. I cannot wait to get to Colorado & away from this petty stuff. To my face they will act like they're happy to see me but I know once I walk out that door there will be stuff to be said about me. I've overheard it & I've also had people tell me about it. This is the worst! I hate dealing with all this fakeness. If I don't like you then I'll let you know. I will NOT let you think I do. Anyway, all I have to say to his 'family' is whether you like it or not he's with me for the rest of his life. When we said our vows of "till death do us part" it's exactly what was meant. AND! I don't care if you don't like the fact that we want more kids so soon. Just because you regret having your children so close together doesn't mean we will!

aaand my rant is now done. Sorry, I just had to get this off of my chest.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Oooh I miss my mom. I wish she was still living just 1/2 a mile away from me so we could go & shop together like we used to all the time. Plus I just need her to look me in the eyes & tell me everything will be okay.

I wish I wasn't so emotional. it's been worse the past few weeks :(

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Babies, babies & more babies.

I swear, it seems like everywhere I turn someone new is pregnant. I'm on the verge of an emotional breakdown almost everyday. I have been ready for baby #3 since Emma was 2 months old! I've also been doing some thinking of wanting twins which I may regret later on if it does happen but right now I'd LOVE it! Ricky even walks up to me and points to my belly & says "is there a baby in there?" lol sweetie, I WISH there was! me & Richard have done some talking and we have decided that once we move to Colorado and get settled is when we'll start trying for another one. until then...I guess I have to live through all the other mommas :/

Another reason for my emotional breakdowns is because Emma is going to be ONE in a month & four days! Where has all of the time gone? I want her to still be my little newborn. She has always been such a great baby & started sleeping through the night at 3 weeks old. She is the complete opposite of Ricky. speaking of Ricky...he'll be 3 1/2 a month after Emma turns 1. Then it'll be mine & Richard's 3 year wedding anniversary. Time just feels like it's flying by. I want/need it to slow down.